N e u r o M e d
. . . providing advancements in pain management

"An opioid epidemic is
what happens when pain
is treated only with pills"
The Washington Post
You can stop the addiction before it starts!
Overprescribing Challenges
When physicians give their patients narcotic painkillers, 99 percent of them hand out prescriptions that exceed the federally recommended three-day dosage limit, new research suggests. And some doctors exceeded that limit by a lot: Nearly one-quarter gave out month-long dosages, despite the fact that research has shown that a month's use of prescription narcotic painkillers can cause brain changes, the National Safety Council survey found.
The problem has reached the point where these highly addictive painkillers, which include commonly prescribed drugs such as Oxycontin, Percocet and Vicodin, now account for more drug overdose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined.
If you are concerned about over prescribing narcotics or concerned if your patients are at risk of becomes addicted or overdosing on the drugs you are prescribing, you need to look at other treatment options available today.
According to The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) "Opioid abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and often begins with a prescription for a pain medication." Also, the CDC says, "Overprescribing powerful prescription pain medications, intentionally or unintentionally, is a national epidemic."
Despite the obvious benefits of pharmacotherapy drugs for pain management, undesired side effects for patients as well as problems with chemical addiction have created serious concerns for many physicians today. Numerous controlled research investigations have directed the astute medical community toward more “non-invasive” medical interventions such as clinical Electroanalgesia (EA) to manage or mitigate a patient's pain.
This advanced medical technology has been reimbursed by
Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance companies and
Workers Compensation nationally.

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