Contact Us

If your existing patients complain of acute or chronic pain you should investigate the proven and effective treatment of our Electroanalgesic pain management systems. The high level of patient satisfaction typically equates to an excellent rate of patient compliance, reimbursements, and additional patient referrals for your practice.
You can bring our state-of-the-art technology to your practice, offer a proven, beneficial service to your patients, and expand your opportunities for practice growth with our advanced pain management systems. This technology has quickly become a highly praised and integral element in the treatment protocols of successful clinics and practices across the country.
NeuroMed maintains its headquarters in San Clemente, California.
Main Corporate Mailing Address is:
N e u r o M e d
647 Camino De Los Mares
Suite 108-81
San Clemente, CA 92673
E-mail us at:
Local / International
Phone Number: + (949) 369-7135
Local / International
Fax Number: + (949) 369-1893
NeuroMed Service Department
Mailing Address:
N e u r o M e d
Attn: Hermann / Service Department
446 Harrison Street
Unit 2-D
Sumas, WA 98295
Email us at
US Eastern Regional Office
Mailing address:
Customer Service
N e u r o M e d
2455 Moody Pkwy,
Unit 161
Moody, AL 35004
Phone: (205) 317-6886
E-mail us at: