
If your existing patients complain of acute or chronic pain you should investigate the proven and effective treatment of our Electroanalgesic pain management systems. The high level of patient satisfaction typically equates to an excellent rate of patient compliance, reimbursements, and additional patient referrals for your practice.
You can bring our state-of-the-art technology to your practice, offer a proven, beneficial service to your patients, and expand your opportunities for practice growth with our advanced pain management systems. This technology has quickly become a highly praised and integral element in the treatment protocols of successful clinics and practices across the country.

This advanced medical technology has been reimbursed by
Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance companies and Workers Compensation nationally.
~ Click on the informative products tabs below ~
MATRIX System™ (software version 1/1.0)
We sought the input of experienced medical practitioners and combined their ideas with advanced technology, resulting in a carefully planned and state-of-the-art medical pain management system designed for physicians.
The MATRIX System is user friendly and is programmed to deliver the precise dosage to treat your pain patients with the push of a button. Dynamic medical specialties, like Clinical Pain Management, have seen a significant change in their therapeutic approach over the past decade by implementing this technology.
The MATRIX System has 40 computer-assisted programs with the most advanced technology using specific pre-programmed software algorithms to bioelectrically trigger 3 different physiological mechanisms of actions. Frequency ranges from .01-250 pps,(with the ability to effect the nerves by stimulating or facilitating), but also using a High Definition frequency generator (HDfg)™ that can produce much higher frequencies (or pulses per second) from 5,000 pps, 8,300 pps to as high as 10,000 pps to inhibit (interrupt) the pain signals.
MATRIX PMT System™ (software version 2/2.0)
For years many physical therapist (PT) and chiropractic physicians (DC) have been helping patients by using this effective advanced physical medicine treatment known as Electroanalgesic medicine.
Electroanalgesic medicine have been successfully used and documented by physicians for a wide variety of refractory pain management problems. Long-term advantages of this treatment regimen include:.
- Potentially returning a PAIN patient to the work force
- Allowing the patient to perform activities of daily living with minimal pain
- Dramatic cost savings in both treatment and subsequent (lifelong) medications
- Avoiding interventions or surgery in a patient for whom every other conservative alternative has been exhausted or in a high-risk medical patient
- Avoiding the probability (even with surgery) of chronic pain for this patient for the balance of his/her life (depending on the outcome of ongoing treatment)
The MATRIX PMT System has 15 computer-assisted programs with the most advanced technology using specific pre-programmed software algorithms to bioelectrically trigger 3 different physiological mechanisms of actions. Frequency ranges from .01-250 pps, (with the ability to effect the nerves by stimulating or facilitating), but also using a High Definition frequency generator (HDfg)™ that can produce much higher frequencies (or pulses per second) from 5,000 pps, to as high as 8,300 pps to inhibit (interrupt) the pain signals.
MATRIX SPORTS System™ (software version 2/3.0)
Sport medicine physicians and many sports teams have been helping patients suffering from sports injuries. Professional team trainers did the sports programs selection in this system; they knew that they needed to work on patients with traumatic injuries, joint pain, and muscle spasm and get them back on the field as soon as possible.
“When a patient’s pain is under control, the rehabilitation process will be faster and more effective allowing the patient to return to work much sooner.”
The MATRIX Sports has 10 computer-assisted programs with the most advanced technology using specific pre-programmed software algorithms to bioelectrically trigger 3 different physiological mechanisms of actions. Frequency ranges from .01-250 pps, (with the ability to effect the nerves by stimulating or facilitating), but also using a High Definition frequency generator (HDfg)™ that can produce much higher frequencies (or pulses per second) from 5,000 pps, to as high as 8,300 pps to inhibit (interrupt) the pain signals.
NeuroSanos Unit™ (software version 5/1.0)
The NeuroSanos unit is considered to be our specific treatment unit for physicians. Designed specifically for the physical therapist (PT) and chiropractic physicians (DC) market.
This unit has been successfully used and documented by physicians for a wide variety of pain and circulatory problems.
- Stimulate peripheral nerves for the purpose of providing pain relief
- Management and symptomatic relief of chronic (Iong-term) INTRACTABLE PAIN
- Increasing local blood circulation
- Adjunctive treatment of post-traumatic pain
- Adjunctive treatment in the management of post-surgical pain
- Maintaining or increasing range of motion
- Muscle Re-education
- Relaxation of muscle spasms
- Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy
- Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf Muscles to prevent venous thrombosis
The NeuroSanos unit has 10 computer-assisted programs with the most advanced technology using specific pre-programmed software algorithms to bioelectrically trigger 3 different physiological mechanisms of actions. Frequency ranges from .01-250 pps, (with the ability to effect the nerves by stimulating or facilitating), but also using a High Definition frequency generator (HDfg)™ that can produce much higher frequencies (or pulses per second) from 5,000 pps, to as high as 8,300 pps to inhibit (interrupt) the pain signals.
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Over the past 37 years, numerous Hospitals, Universities & Medical Centers
have used this type of advanced physical
medicine treatment to treat patients in PAIN such as...