NeuroMed Program

How it works...

Once you have decided

That you want to see an in office demonstration using Electroanalgesia, please select 3 – 5 of your worst “LOW BACK PAIN PATIENTS” and call your office or your account representative.  

NOTE: Physicians should verify with individual insurance carrier (in his/her respective area) for carrier direction concerning the preferred billing codes for proper reimbursement of Physical Medicine Treatments.

Patient Scheduling

Unless you inform us differently, our training technician will arrive at your office to begin demonstration / training your existing staff at 10:00 AM. Generally, pain patient appointments are administered over a period of 20-25 minutes. A simple but quiet exam room with a single exam bed and an electrical outlet is all that our technician requires to start demonstration / training the staff on the use and application of this medical device.


Educational information

NeuroMed is currently working on providing physicians with a number of new items to assist physicians in the promotion / educational information to patients of their newly added pain management services. These items will be available in the near future and include customized DVD with office logo and patient brochures with the physician’s practice name, logo, and office address.