MATRIX System software version 1/1.0
We sought the input of experienced medical practitioners and combined their ideas with advanced technology, resulting in a carefully planned and state-of-the-art medical pain management system designed for physicians. This advanced pain management system is user friendly and is programmed to deliver the precise dosage to treat your pain patients with the push of a button. Dynamic medical specialties, like Clinical Pain Management, have seen a significant change in their therapeutic approach over the past decade.
This Electroanalgesic treatment system can be delivered deep into the tissue due to a lowered skin resistance by using a High Definition frequency generator (HDfg) ™ that can produce much higher frequencies 10,000 Hz (Hertz) or pps(or pulses per second). The effect of using high frequencies (pps) is the ability not to stimulate, or to facilitate the nerves, but to inhibit the pain signal.